The overwhelming presence and influence of social media in the STI ecosystem has generated significant attention, especially in the measurement of STI impact. The social media platform leverages tools to quantify non-academic and societal impact of the STI ecosystem. In particular, new methods and approaches from the altmetrics include broad range of information. On the other hand, social media platforms are highly interactive and introduces new complexities in which it is important to understand that how STI research is engaged with, understood, and disseminated via Social Media. For effective R&D governance, it is essential to recognize social media as a powerful tool for gauging non-academic and societal impact, while also addressing the inherent risks and uncertainties it brings. In this view, identification of the right role for social media and developing an insightful understanding of complexities involved measuring their impact in STI ecosystem become imperative for effective R&D Governance. This session will explore how the societal impact of STI is being measured more holistically through social media, with a focus on the value of including non-academic indicators as part of a broader STI impact assessment framework.
The session will deliberate on the role of Social Media in: